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ieteiktie artikuli
iesakiet šo artikulu:
Duo-fix flex
Artikuls: 335522

atdaliet vairākas e-pasta adreses, izmantojot komatu.

* obligāti aizpildāmie lauki

Sīkāka informācija

Pielietošanas jomas:

• Repairs to wood, plastics, metal and rubber


  • "• Two-component instant adhesive with particularly fast hardening.• Very good gap-filling properties. Also sticks rough, uneven, porous or absorbent surfaces.• Flexible and elastic as well as extremely shock and impact resistant• Transparent. Suitable for gluing PMMA. • Suitable for gluing oscillating (vibrating) loads. • No drips. Ideal for gluing overhead or vertical surfaces.• Precision working with fine applicator tip.• Can be painted over.• Resistant to motor fuels.• Little odor• UV-resistant after curing."

Apstrādes/lietošanas norādes

"• Before use, undo the protective cap and screw on the mixing tip. When applying, throw away the initial material (approx. 1 cm) in order to ensure complete mixing of both the components.• Only apply the adhesive to one of the two surfaces!• For storage, remove the mixing tip and screw the protective cap back on.• Components to be glued must be clean, dry and free of grease.• Cyanoacrylate. Danger! Glues skin and eyelids together within seconds. Must not get into the hands of children."


Mixing tips (Item No. 335667-12) must be recorded additionally

Tehniskie dati

Īpašums Vērtība
Krāsa Colourless
Tara Dubultā kasetne
Tilpums 10 g
Dichte 1,19 g/ml
Application Temperature Range 10 °C - 25 °C
Ķīmiskā bāze Ciānakrilāts
Noturība pret temperatūras izmaiņām -50 °C - 80 °C
Dokumenti lejupielādei
Atiestatīt visus filtrus
Atsauksmes detalizēti
Duo-fix flex šļirce, 10 g
ieteicams lielisks produkts
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