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Artikulo numeris: 339094

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  • "Viscous. Thus can also be used for gluing vertical surfacesHigh ultimate strengthEasy and reliable application using a static mixer"

Apdorojimo informacija

"Application using a BERNER cartridge gun.Before use, unscrew the cap and put on the mixing tip. When dispensing, discard the initial material (about 2 g) to ensure thorough mixing of both components.For storage, unscrew the mixing nozzle and replace the protective cap.The surfaces to be glued must be clean, dry and free of grease.Roughen the surfaces to be glued prior to application, where necessary."

Techniniai duomenys

Nuosavybė Vertė
Spalva skaidri.
Pakuotė dvigubas švirkštas
Tūris 50 g
Tankis 1,1 g/ml
Šiluminis stabilumas -60 °C - +100 °C
Cheminė bazė 2 component epoxy resin
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